Minggu, 12 Januari 2020



      My first holiday was to begin with a softball competition called Redfox. I and my friends for the first time participated in this softball competition. My friends and I were very excited to take part in this softball competition, the competition began on 22 December 2019 until 5 January 2020. Before the competition began there was a meeting to discuss the race, my friend and I came to the meeting and the next day I went to the softball field in Lodaya with my friend. I started by warming up with the team after the warm-up game started the players entered the field to photo after photo of me and the team immediately playing and against SMA 21 Bandung I and the team won against SMA 21 Bandung. The next day I was against SMA 4 Cimahi and won again, the next day I was against SMA 2 Bandung lost because of the lack of team composition, and last day I was against SMA 3 Lampung lost again because of the same composition of players who were lacking. after that I and my friends froze appeared again to close the race. I continued to hear there was another race in mid-March and I was happy for this redfox race because I could get a lesson


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